BY PLANE: look for Genoa or Pisa airport
BY CAR: motorway A12 (E80) Genova-La Spezia-Pisa-Livorno-Roma, way out Carradano:
- follow the signs for Levanto.
Once you are into the town:
- first roundabout: second exit on the right;
- second roundabout (near the Madonna della Guardia Sanctuary): turn on the left;
- cross the bridge of the Ghiararo river;
- turn on the left.
After about 2km you will find a crossroad:
- on the left it goes to Legnaro, Chiesanouva, Soviore Sancturay and the 5 Terre;
- on the right you go to Fontona: you can see the village as in the picture.
BY TRAIN: line Genova-La Spezia-Pisa-Livorno, stop in Levanto and take a taxi.
BY BUS: there is a Bus Service with a summer schedule (3 June-9 September).
Da Legnaro a Montale